As I progress in my journey to become a professional cyberneticist at the 3AInstitute, I have learned new skills relevant to practitioners of applied cybernetics and improved on my skillset. This portfolio provides a summary of the top 3 key skills I have developed during the duration of the second semester of CECS 8001, a course that is designed to enable us understand - by building or tearing apart cyber-physical systems and question them through hands-on exercises. It provides brief reflections on my journey so far, lessons learned, challenges faced, and the exciting achievements I accomplished through participating in the course activities. It starts with a reflection on my experience conducting evidence-based system analysis, system risk assessment and management with governance map, and machine learning models development. Evidence of some of my activities outputs are presented in the form of images, videos, charts, maps, etc.
This portfolio was created as part of my assessment for the Build course, and it has been designed with the Build instructors as the main intended audience.
Kindly note that all texts in maroon color are href links.This is a detailed documentation of my journey and reflection on conducting evidence-based system analysis. This involved framing research questions, modeling the system's (dynamic) behavior, conducting experiments, analyzing and reporting the exeriment result.
This provide an overview of my experience learning and conducting system analysis on the Powerpuggle CPS, anticipating it's possibilities to scale, and recommending oversight and steering mechanisms to its creators. The mechanisms are presented in a Lifecycle Governance Map. I also reflected on my attempt to communicate my CPS - The Aviary - to external audience using the cross-functional flowchart.
This page provides a documentation of my attempt to understand ML models by "tearing ML models apart", and to build a decision tree model from scratch as my means of approaching explainable CPSs and AI driven systems. I will be discussing my progress, challenges, decision process and my thoughts on my approach to understanding ML models.